Saturday started very slowly. By noon, cloudbase was below (!!) ridge top, but seemed to inch its way up. We launched at around 13:30, with a call of a 2-hr TAT of Tellico Plain (10 sm), Rostex (10 sm), and Hardwick (10 sm). By 14:15, cloudbase has risen to 3700 MSL, just not high enough to strike out on task, so we delayed the opening of the gate. By 14:35, several clouds were consistently showing 4200-4300 MSL, so we decided to open the gate at 14:50 and reduced the task time to 1.5 hr. Needless to say, we all tiptoed on our way out... All, except Bill, who had decided he was going to fly fast. And fast he did. If he had not been stuck low at Rostex, having to claw his way back up, he would have blown everybody's socks off!! Cloudbase eventually reached 5000 MSL toward the end of the day. All completed the task. Sunday started earlier. Bright blue sky all over the task area at 11:30, except for one single thunderstorm... just over the gap in the ridge!! By 1:00 PM, clouds looked good everywhere else (but the ridge), so we launched with a call of a 1.5 hr MAT with a first mandatory turnpoint at Hardwick. As it turned out, the 30% chance of thunderstorms essentially reduced to the high ground, and the valley remained OD-free with beautiful Cu all afternoon. Cloudbase initially was around 4300 MSL near Chilhowee, climbing to 5000 MSL near Hardwick, with some great streets aligned with the SW wind. Two very fun days. See you guys at Roosevelt next weekend. FP Chilhowee GTA Benton, TN Sunday, June 15, 2014 Preliminary A Class Day 2 Task: Modified Assigned ID Name Distance (Miles) Radius 1 01 CHILHOWEE 0.00 3.0 22 22 Hardwick 10.98 1 01 CHILHOWEE 23.95 1.0 Minimum Time 01:30 Cumulative Day Speed Distance Remarks Rank Points ID Name Glider Rank Points Hndcp Actual Hndcp Actual Code Penalty Points ---- ----- -- ---- ------ ---- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ---- ------- ------ 1 1000 FP Pin, Francois ASW-27 1 1000 42.92 48.78 65.24 74.14 2 804 ZF Patterson, Chuck ASW-20B-15 2 804 34.49 38.35 53.48 59.46 3 0 9U Drury, Bill SZD-55-1 3 0 0.0 F 4 0 S4 Malouse, J J LS-3a 3 0 0.0 F Codes: F No flight log. Created on Sunday June 15, 2014 - 22:02 by Winscore Rev 0,