Hey Guys, Attached are the scores for both days. Congrats to John for Saturday and to Bob for winning on what he called "the toughest day I ever flew" Great job to Scott Meyer as well for getting around Sunday. Bob, if you get a chance, can you tell us how you did it? Cheers, Tim 1FL Eaglesville Eagleville, TN Saturday, April 12, 2014 Preliminary A Class Day 1 Task: Turn Area ID Name Distance (Miles) Radius 1 01 PUCKETTEG 0.00 1.0 52 52 McDonald 12.95 5.0 40 40 King 68.53 15.0 36 36 Hunter 131.18 5.0 1 01 PUCKETTEG 149.37 1.0 Minimum Time 02:30 Cumulative Day Speed Distance Remarks Rank Points ID Name Glider Rank Points Hndcp Actual Hndcp Actual Code Penalty Points ---- ----- -- ---- ------ ---- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ---- ------- ------ 1 1000 BZ Mittell, John ASW-27 1 822 45.58 51.79 119.48 135.77 2 860 JP Pollock, Jordan ASW-20 2 707 39.17 43.34 112.52 124.48 3 798 FP Pin, Francois ASW-27 3 656 36.38 41.34 107.58 122.24 4 704 RHR Richard, Bob ASW-27 4 579 32.08 36.46 102.67 116.67 5 516 ZZ Gieseke, Joe PIK-20B 5 424 81.54 85.83 AB 6 226 1FL Larsen, Tim 304CZ 6 186 38.01 40.57 MD 7 223 S4 Malouse, JJ LS-3A 7 183 32.26 34.32 MD, AB 8 221 WR Ruegger, Werner ASK-23 8 182 32.02 28.84 MD, AB 9 131 NX Myers, Scott ASW-24B 9 108 16.95 18.12 MD, AB Codes: AB 25pt Airfield Bonus. MD Flight less than minimum distance of 40 Miles Created on Thursday April 17, 2014 - 19:22 by Winscore Rev 0, http://www.gfbyars.com/winscore